Love the variety of training. Each session is very challenging but always enjoyable. Caters for all levels of fitness, strength and flexibility.

I've never been one for exercise because of all the pain, but little did I realise just what I could gain, with burpees, bear & chin-ups, the old body wakes up sore, but I still bring my money and keep coming back for more. Now I'm so much fitter, because you push me at great length. I can't thank you enough, my mate at Progressive Strength.

Cheers from the Old Man!
Been doing Friday afternoon sessions for the last couple of months and it has definitely provided results. Awesome environment and great people with positive encouragement. Big thanks to Junior.

Having been a member of one of the big franchise gyms for over 10 years, coming to Progressive Strength has proven to be a great decision. The sessions are always fun, personal, friendly, varied and challenging. I felt very welcome the moment I walked in. I highly recommend you to come and try it out. You won't look back!

Have been training with Junior at Progressive Strength for just under a year.
- Resting heart rate down from 70 to 56.
- Lower back pain basically eliminated thanks to a stronger, more flexible core.
- Thanks to these muscle looking things
that have appeared in my arms, chest and upper back pushups, dips and chin ups (plural) are actually possible.
- Resting heart rate down from 70 to 56.
- Lower back pain basically eliminated thanks to a stronger, more flexible core.
- Thanks to these muscle looking things
that have appeared in my arms, chest and upper back pushups, dips and chin ups (plural) are actually possible.
He still hasn't cured my chocolate/burger addiction... to be fair that would take a bloody miracle. But that is a goal for next year...
